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Our Publications

We bring women’s perspectives into every aspect of leadership, policy-making, and development.


BrainTrust III Summary Report


By Huairou Commission for Asia Development Bank

Summary of the BrainTrust III Meeting, October 2014. This 3-day meeting aimed to gather inputs, clarify concepts and renew primary directions, from the leadership of the Resilience thematic campaign in relation to its vision, goal and objectives, in particular in relation to its two main mechanisms – the Community Resilience Fund (CRF) and the Community […]

What Communities Want: Putting Community Resilience Priorities on the Agenda for 2015

Year: 2015


By Huairou Commission

This action research, conducted by the Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience in seven Asian countries, is an effort to capture the voices of community leaders and bring the resilience priorities of poor, disaster-prone communities into debates that will shape the new policy frameworks on disaster risk reduction to be launched in 2015.

Resilient Women: Integrating Community Resilience Priorities in the Post-2015 Agenda

Year: 2015


By Huairou Commission

“Resilient Women: Integrating Community Resilience Priorities in the Post-2015 Agenda” is an action research publication of the Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience (CPP) is an organizing and networking mechanism for community-based groups, grassroots women-led groups in particular, to reduce their vulnerability to disaster […]

Community Resilience at Scale: Grassroots Women Demonstrating Successful Practices

Year: 2015


By Ana Liz Flores, Manuela Pinilla, and Irene Leung

“Community Resilience at Scale: Grassroots Women Demonstrating Successful Practices” shares successful grassroots strategies for building community resilience to disasters and climate change. It showcases women leading sustainable development in their communities, and features scaling up strategies in order to influence global agendas such as the Hyogo Framework for Action 2 and Post 2015 Development Agenda.

Community-Led Partnerships for Resilience

Year: 2015


By The World Bank Group

“Community-Led Partnerships for Resilience” is a 2015 publication co-presented by the World Bank Group, and Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) in partnership with the Community Practitioners Platform (CPP) co-led by Huairou Commission (HC) and Groots International (GI). It highlights the role of community-based organizations (CBOs) in advancing resilience and sustainable development in […]

The Global Community Resilience Fund: Operational Framework and Guideline

Year: 2015


By Huairou Commission

This publication presents the operational Guidelines of the Community Resilience Fund (CRF), a financial mechanism for supporting grassroots women’s groups implement and scale up community driven development practices.

Marco y Lineamientos Operativos del Fondo Global de Resiliencia Comunitaria

Year: 2015


By Huairou Commission

Esta publicación presenta un mecanismo financiero para apoyar a grupos de mujeres de base para implementar y ampliar las prácticas de desarrollo impulsadas por la comunidad.

Facilitadoras en Resiliencia

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission / La Plataforma de Practicantes Comunitarias para Resiliencia

Una de las acciones estratégicas planteadas por GROOTS Perú es la Formación de Facilitadoras en Resiliencia Comunitarias, la cual tiene por objetivo ampliar el liderazgo de las mujeres de base y visibilizar su aporte en el desarrollo, tanto de sus capacidades como el de las comunidades donde actúan.

Parcelas Diversificadas

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission / La Plataforma de Practicantes Comunitarias para Resiliencia

Las mujeres de Las Brumas han diseñado, con base a su conocimiento y experiencia, un sistema por medio del cual trabajan en una parcela de tamaño manejable y distribuyen en ella los productos que quieren obtener. Una parte de los productos se coloca en los bancales aéreos para tenerlos disponible al momento de su comida […]

Moringa: Fuente de Vida

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission / La Plataforma de Practicantes Comunitarias para Resiliencia

El Comité de Redes de Honduras es una organización no gubernamental de mujeres de base, sin fines de lucro, que se constituyó en el año 2010, pero que trabaja en el tema de resiliencia desde 1998. Esta agrupación autóctona, con sede en el municipio de Trujillo, departamento