
Our Publications

We bring women’s perspectives into every aspect of leadership, policy-making, and development.

Featured Publications

Parcelas Diversificadas

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission / La Plataforma de Practicantes Comunitarias para Resiliencia

Las mujeres de Las Brumas han diseñado, con base a su conocimiento y experiencia, un sistema por medio del cual trabajan en una parcela de tamaño manejable y distribuyen en ella los productos que quieren obtener. Una parte de los productos se coloca en los bancales aéreos para tenerlos disponible al momento de su comida […]

Facilitadoras en Resiliencia

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission / La Plataforma de Practicantes Comunitarias para Resiliencia

Una de las acciones estratégicas planteadas por GROOTS Perú es la Formación de Facilitadoras en Resiliencia Comunitarias, la cual tiene por objetivo ampliar el liderazgo de las mujeres de base y visibilizar su aporte en el desarrollo, tanto de sus capacidades como el de las comunidades donde actúan.

UN-Habitat Gender Journey

Year: 2016


By United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

In 2012, UN-Habitat established the Advisory Group on Gender Issues (AGGI) as an independent body to advise the Executive Director on all issues related to gender issues in the agency’s work. One of the first requests of AGGI members was for a document in informing the organisation’s current gender work. This gender history is commissioned […]

Insuring Grassroots Women and Urban Poor Priorities and Roles Are Reflected in the New Urban Agenda

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission

Through our activism and advocacy, the Huairou Commission has publicized women’s priorities and existing good practices. Reaction to the Draft New Urban Agenda in advance of Habitat III PrepCom3.

Engendering the New Urban Agenda: Comments on the Zero Draft

Year: 2016


By Irene S. Leung; produced by Huairou Commission and Cities Alliance

Following a long process of negotiations, regional and thematic meetings, and issue papers produced by policy units, the Zero Draft (ZD) of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) was released on May 6, 2016. Intended to be a commentary on the ZD, the objective of the present paper is threefold. Firstly, it assesses the text of […]

Huairou Commission’s Initial Analysis and Comments of the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission

As grassroots women organizations and women’s networks working on inclusive, gender just and sustainable urbanization and human settlements, we welcome the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda, note milestones, and call for certain strengthening.

Women on the road to Habitat III Engendering the New Urban Agenda: Mid-Term Review

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission has brought together hundreds of women leaders and men allies from various social sectors (grassroots, academia, civil society organizations, local government, private sector) for the purpose of Engendering the New Urban Agenda (NUA). The Habitat Agenda remains a key political platform for promoting the policies and programs that affect the daily lives […]

Policy Recommendations to Advance Women’s Leadership in Developing Inclusive Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements: Latin America, the Caribbean, & Beyond

Year: 2016


By Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission (HC): Women, Homes and Community network has functioned as the lead organizer and strategic convener of grassroots women’s organizations and other women’s groups and constituencies working to make the New Urban Agenda (NUA) an engendered policy and partnership framework placing women’s participation at the center of producing inclusive, equitable and prosperous cities […]

Gender transformation in a new global urban agenda: challenges for Habitat III and beyond

Year: 2016


By Caroline O. N. Moser

The 2016 Habitat III conference in Quito provides a challenging opportunity to address widespread, persistent urban gender inequalities through the elaboration of a New Urban Agenda (NUA). Independent paper with examples from the Huairou Commission network.

Marco y Lineamientos Operativos del Fondo Global de Resiliencia Comunitaria

Year: 2015


By Huairou Commission

Esta publicación presenta un mecanismo financiero para apoyar a grupos de mujeres de base para implementar y ampliar las prácticas de desarrollo impulsadas por la comunidad.