Ownership, Access, Preservation: A Lack of Environmental Rights Hurts Women

Women’s Edition first topical webinar will unpack for participating journalists how the degradation of nature, increasing scarcity of natural resources, and environment crime can all lead to a rise in gender-based violence. Research has shown that limited land rights can led to unequal security distribution between genders when there is shift in the environment. For example, water sources and wells are drying, so women and children that retrieve water have to travel further to retrieve water. This exposed women to increased danger of sexual assault and trafficking. 

After an environmental disaster, such as a cyclones, typhoons, or earthquakes, research has shown that violence against women increases. In 2017,18 million people were internally displaced due to weather-related disasters, with females accounting for 61 per cent of total displacements. One study found that weather related disasters have been shown to increase sexual trafficking by 20-30 percent.

The  event will focus on providing  regional overview on how environmental rights connect to a rise in violence for women and will provide a focused context on what is happening in the area. Specific examples can include natural disasters, food insecurity, land distribution or water supply.

The event is finished.


Mar 16 2021


7:00 am - 9:00 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 16 2021
  • Time: 3:00 am - 5:00 am