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Our Publications

We bring women’s perspectives into every aspect of leadership, policy-making, and development.


WLLA—Grassroots Women’s Land Academy Report 2008

Year: 2008


By Huairou Commission

Women’s Land Link Africa (WLLA) Report: Grassroots Women Focus on Peer Learning, Exchange of Grassroots Tools, and Action Plans for the Future.

WLLA—Grassroots Women’s Land Academy Report 2009 (2nd Annual)

Year: 2009


By Huairou Commission

The second annual Women’s Land Link Africa (WLLA) Land Academy took place from 22-26 March 2009 in Accra, Ghana.

WLLA—Grassroots Women’s Land Academy Report 2010 (3rd Annual)

Year: 2010


By Huairou Commission

Women’s Land Link Africa (WLLA) Report: Grassroots Women Focus on Peer Learning, Exchange of Grassroots Tools, and Action Plans for the Future

Grassroots Sisterhood Foundation: Supporting Equitable Land Rights and Food Security in Ghana

Year: 2010


By Jeffrey Kaloustian and Fati Alhassan

In October-November 2009, the Huairou Commission held focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with 60 women in communities within the Tolon-Kumbungu, Savelugu-Nanton, and Tamale regions in northern Ghana, where extreme poverty and food insecurity are widespread.

Integrated Sustainable Development & Women’s Empowerment in Bihar, India

Year: 2009


By Jeffrey Kaloustian

Report of Huairou Commission field researcher’s consultations with members of five women’s community-based savings and credit cooperatives in Bihar, India (20-24 August 2010).

Tools For Securing Land and Property

Year: 2010


By Huairou Commission

Grassroots Women’s avenues to claiming, gaining and maintaining land, housing and property. 

Grassroots Women and Land

Year: 2011


By Huairou Commission

The Huairou Commission calls for sustained advocacy to advance women’s access, ownership and control over land and resources at the local, national and global levels by positioning grassroots women as knowledge holders in policy making frameworks.

Ponte do Maduro: Land Regularization with Gender Equality

Year: 2011


By Ayse Yonder, Katia Araujo and Patricia Chaves

Report on Shadow Advisory Committee’s International Mission to Ponte do Maduro, Recife, Brazil (10-12 January 2011).

Handling Land: Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

Year: 2005


By United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving land governance – the rules, processes and organizations through which decisions are made about land – is more urgent than ever. This book shows how the Global Land Tool Network is addressing these problems and more by setting an international agenda on land.

Global Initiative on Women’s Security of Tenure flyer (Español)

Year: 2005


By Huairou Commission

La Iniciativa global sobre la Tenencia Segura para las Mujeres de la Comisión Huairou es una plataforma para avanzar a un enfoque alternativo sobre la seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra para las mujeres que se funde en las experiencias de los grupos de mujeres de base.