Transformative women’s leadership: enhancing women’s participation and decision-making in public life

Women leaders play important roles in mobilizing and advocating for legislative and constitutional reforms that benefit the lives of women and girls, and in scaling up efforts to expand opportunities to increase their participation. Women in leadership positions can also inspire and mentor other women and girls to assert their rights and to become future leaders. Participatory and inclusive urban governance entails increasing the avenues for women’s input and ensuring there is no-discrimination (broad platform); customizing participation methods to women’s needs; ensuring that women’s views and experiences count in decision-making (and not merely involving them to fulfill formal requirements); and in assessing the degree to which processes and outcomes positively impact all women.

Additionally, women in leadership are great champions in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) which is one of the most prevalent and persistent human rights violations in the world. Globally, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Despite global progress in legislative and policing reforms to address this, ending violence against women and girls remains an elusive goal and an enduring problem. This is especially significant as evidenced more recently during the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic which saw a spike in GBV cases in many parts of the world and in online spaces. Women leaders command the authority to challenge unequal gender power relations as one of the root causes of GBV and advocate for resources towards scaling up prevention and response efforts.

The event will focus on women in leadership, women’s public participation, and inclusive governance structures. In addition, it will highlight examples of how women in leadership are supporting efforts towards ending GBV and how efforts to transform harmful masculinities contribute to ending GBV and creating and enabling environment for women’s leadership and participation. Inclusive leadership and representation are a prerequisite for sustainable, just and developed society. Discussion and case studies will look at transformative and innovative interventions that can be replicated to other regions/areas.


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The event is finished.


Mar 23 2021


9:00 am - 10:30 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 23 2021
  • Time: 5:00 am - 6:30 am

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