Vacancy: Consultant for Food Systems Stocktaking Exercise
The Huairou Commission has a Consultancy position open for stocktaking members’ knowledge and contributions to food systems as part of the Project titled “Fair for All: Improving Value Chains at scale””– through a consortium that includes Oxfam Novib, Third World Network and SOMO.
We are looking for a consultant to support our efforts to document our current practices and to gather, aggregate and analyze evidence to inform our collaborative learning agenda and advocacy campaign.
Consultancy Objective: Take stock of Huairou members’ knowledge, practices, innovations and contributions to food system transformation and articulate/structure them within a knowledge framework that supports Huairou’s efforts to build a collective learning and a political agenda so that grassroots can position their priorities in global and national policy spaces.
- Understand main characteristics of those food systems where HC members are engaging and problems they are trying to address
- Map practices implemented currently or in the past and identify relevant innovations led my HC members
- Estimate contributions made by HC members to the transformation of food systems
- Define a knowledge framework that can guide HC in organizing a learning agenda and a political agenda to position grassroots women priorities in relevant policy spaces
Duration of Consultancy: September to October 2023.
Based on the quality of work contract could be extended to support Huairou to shape a grassroots-led political strategy and convene a global grassroots food systems gathering in 2024.
Renumeration: Flexible based on experience
Deadline for Application: September 17, 2023
For the detailed Terms of Reference, view: TOR Food Systems Stocktaking_Huairou Commission